I Buy My Own Drinks

The international (and not so international) tales of a girl who buys her own drinks.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

The Most Politically Incorrect Episode of Saved by the Bell Ever

Note: This blog was originally posted by me on February 24th, 2006.

ok, so i had to wake up at 7 am today cus i'm getting groceries delivered and my window is between 7:30 and 11 am. ps it is now 9:50 and they still ain't here. so after hitting snooze i was up and ready to wait at 7:15. so being up this early (which i never am) i knew i had to seize the opportunity to watch some saved by the bell. and fortune of all fortunes it was a college years episode! and everyone knows the college years are my favorite. now, as big a fan as i am, i actually think i had only seen this episode once before, and that was actually my senior year of college. what episode is it you ask? it is the episode where slater finds out he's chicano. now i missed the first 15 minutes so i'm basing most of this off of memory from the last time i saw it 2 years ago. ok, basically slater is in some class, there's a muy caliente latina sitting in front of him, and somehow she enlightens him to the fact that he is indeed chicano. now through the years i always wondered why a character played by MARIO LOPEZ was never identified as being even a little bit ethnic. i guess lisa turtle filled the ethnic role and they thought they needed more white kids, you know, to keep it balanced. slater even had a white dad! now maybe they thought we were all stupid and wouldn't notice, but i noticed, and it bothered me for years. a better route for this story would've been to have slater find out he was adopted. then he could say "oh that's why my dad is white." instead he finds out he's chicano which leaves us all to ask ourselves "why is his dad white?" so you may be asking, what's so politically incorrect about this? well, the writers sure did make zack out to be one hell of a racist ass in this episode. (and the throwing around of the word "chicano" by EVERYBODY in a spanish accent i thought was a little over the top) i believe zack's initial reaction was "i always thought he was italian." (ps, i LOVE when zack turns to the camera and talks to us!) and the fact that slater was a busboy in the student union makes me think that these writers had this episode in mind for a loooong time. so instead of being supportive of slater's new revelation that he is now a part of the US of A's largest minority population ((cheers and claps! hollleeerrrr!)) zack just can't stop talking about the ski trip up to tahoe where he totally plans on macking it to leslie. ok, side note. maybe its cus i went to st. a's, but do guys and girls ever really live together like that in a college dorm? is there a dorm room out there that looks like that? let alone a FRESHMAN dorm? but i digress. so this chicita has totally gotten to slater and he's done himself some soul-searchin'. well maybe not soul-searchin', but maybe a call to his dad. and what did he find out? his last name is really SANCHEZ (gasp!) turns out his dad changed it to slater so he could get in to the army. if he really thought a chicano last name was going to stop him from getting in the army he should've just said "but look at me. clearly i am WHITE." so then slater decided to participate in a good old fashioned chicano sit-in in the chancellor's office, which means the trip to tahoe was cancelled. was zack happy? hell to the NO! would you be if your best friend got in the way of you getting some ass? i didn't think so. so, since this is SBTB, zack clearly comes around and supports his friend and the chancellor decides to support the chicanos. support them in what? i have no idea. i think i missed that part. has anyone else seen this episode? for all of its inappropriateness, its definitely one of my favorites! its like catching the episode of seinfeld where kramer burns the puerto rican flag. in real life - so not funny, on TV - classic! groceries are here! (10:25)

Get Outta My Dreams and Come on Down!

So, I've always been one to have crazy, vivid dreams. I usually remember them and can usually figure out what is going on in my life that is invading my nocturnal subconscious. The past few months have been different though. I remember having dreams, but not what they were about, which is very uncommon for me. Although I'm surprised I'm actually still dreaming considering my life consists of waking up around 10 AM, lurking on facebook and myspace for a little bit, and catching up on celebrity gossip. Then eventually I take a shower. TMI? ok, back to the subject at hand - dreams. Ahhh, it's nice to have dreams. Remember when you were a kid and adults would tell you that your dreams would actually come true? Again, I digress. I'm not even talking about those kinds of dreams. I'm talking about the dreams where you wake up and say "wtf?" I had one of those dreams last night. I had a dream that I was in some sort of cave, but was in line to be on the Price is Right. I'm near the end of the line and they're about to shut the doors, when this woman comes down some ramp with a suitcase rolling behind her and a yellow name tag on her shirt. Apparently she got into the wrong line and ended up being an unwilling hopeful contestant on the Price is Right and the satanic worker-bees at the show refused to let her leave and told her she had to participate. Now I have no idea how the Price is Right works, but apparently we were placed in different groups, and this woman was in mine. Some mean producers told us that probably none us would get picked cus we were all so ugly. (Even in my dreams people are mean to me.) So the old announcer, Rod Roddie (who's been dead how long now?) starts announcing names and then announces himself as the host! I gave the suitcase woman a look like "day-um! Look who went and made himself host!" So next thing is we're being led down further into the dungeon where we're fed French cafeteria style. Let me explain what this is for those of you who have never had the pleasure of eating in a French school "cantine." You get a lot of food to choose from! BUT you can only choose one of each category, like one salad, one fruit or yogurt...etc. It can actually be kinda confusing. So the setup in this dream was no different. I had no idea what I could choose! and of course, not having seen the menu beforehand, I had no idea what any of the food was, so like usual, i just nodded my head yes at the first thing the lunch lady said to me. So the first thing I hear is "poisson" so i end up with a plate full of fish, rice, and beans. Gross. I think soon after that I woke up and said "wow that was weird." I don't even watch the Price is Right.