I Buy My Own Drinks

The international (and not so international) tales of a girl who buys her own drinks.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

upcoming adventures!

as of late, my cat would have a more interesting blog than mine, so i have chosen not to share the mundane goings-on in my life over the past few months. i work about 17 days a week, or so it seems, and i sleep or study while i'm not working. my cat, on the other hand, has had some serious medical adventures, starting with an ingrown claw and ending with hyperthyroid. the excitement never stops!

but i am an embarking on a new voyage! it's a short one, but one i'm looking forward to. i will be leaving on a five week european adventure at the end of august. my goal is to hit up some cities that i've never been to, and hopefully see some friends that i've made during previous travels. i definitely want to go to berlin and prague. once i start naming cities, i end up with a list of 50 places that i want to visit, and that's just not possible. this trip may actually require some planning. i can't wait for a break from reality! and when i return hopefully a fulfilling and rewarding career awaits me!


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