I Buy My Own Drinks

The international (and not so international) tales of a girl who buys her own drinks.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Freaking Out

ok, I think that keeping this blog is the best way to keep everyone informed of my adventures while I am living in France and working as an English teaching assistant. I will still send emails, but I will do most of my complaining in these blogs. This is a benefit to you, because if you don't want to hear me complain, you just don't ever have to read my blogs. Moving on...

If you're reading this, then you probably know me, but maybe you don't. Anyone who has been out with me knows what the title of this blog means. I have said over and over again that I always have to buy my own drinks and that it is the story of my life. So, you could look at this blog as the story of my life (at least for a few months), so, there really is no better title. I buy my own drinks, it's the story of my life. Catch my drift?

Today is Wednesday and my flight to France leaves on Sunday at 5:30 pm. I am very nervous. I don't mind flying, but I hate the thought of flying. When I'm in the air I'm totally fine until we hit turbulence and the plane drops a thousand feet or I see smoke coming out of the wing. Then I freak out a little. I also don't like to sleep in front of other people. I'm just self-conscious about it. I'm also nervous because I still have no where to live. I booked a hostel for the first two nights that I'm there with some other assistants so we can all commisserate and give each other false support that "everything will work out. It has to!" I am also having communication issues with the schools that I am teaching in. And by "communication issues" I mean, "they are not responding to my emails or letters." Apparently I am not the only one in this boat though, which makes me feel better. If I have to suffer, I'd rather not do it alone. I think the packing will go ok though (I really just jinxed myself there, huh?). I have most of my stuff laid out and it actually is much less than I thought. This means there will be plenty of room in my suitcase for all my new Longchamp purses that I plan on buying. The Longchamp boutique does not even know what's about to happen to them when I walk in to their store. And I will take orders. Those purses seriously cost less than half of what they cost in the US.

I would also just like to take a moment to let everyone know how awesome my friends are. On Friday they threw me a surprise going-away party. It was such a blast! Thanks to everyone who came! I'm going to miss you guys so much! So don't forget me when I'm gone, my heart would break...

So, the rest of this week will just be shopping for some essentials, visiting friends and family, on-demanding movies, and trying to finish all the books I started. I'm on the last one, "Puff" by Bob Flaherty. I actually really hate it, but I feel like I have to finish it before I can start another one. CURSES! I just looked at my bookshelf and saw another unfinished book. That one actually really sucked though so I think I'll let that one be. This is going nowhere. I'm off to write another email to France!

A bientot.